Dealing with Betrayals in Your Relationship

Betrayals in relationship change the quality and functioning of the relationship in dramatic ways. Trust is the primary aspect affected as well as the betrayed partner’s sense of safety in the couple. Betrayals bring up many dilemmas for the couple. Few couples have the skills or the ...

May 11

Categories: Couple Counseling, Infidelity, Marital Counseling, Men's Issues, ...

Written By:
Tammy M. Fontana, MS NCC CTRT Sex Therapist USA


The most important Sex Organ in the Body

Couples struggling with an unsatisfying sex life may blissfully remember the days when they seems to effortlessly fall into bed and enjoy one another sexually. You may also want to recall along with that image how much simplier your life was back then. You didn't have bills, debts, mortgage, ...

Apr 8

Categories: Couple Counseling, Men's Issues, Relationships & Marriage, Sexual ...

Written By:
Tammy M. Fontana, MS NCC CTRT Sex Therapist USA


Do I have a drinking problem? Am I an alcoholic? What is the ...

People drink for all sorts of reason. Some reasons are to socialize, celebrate and relax. Other times people use alcohol as a form of self-medication to help them manage stress, anxiety or to use it to distract them from unpleasant or unhappy situations in their life.Alcohol has a strong effect on ...

Apr 2

Categories: Addictions, Couple Counseling, Men's Issues, Women's Issues, ...

Written By:
Tammy M. Fontana, MS NCC CTRT Sex Therapist USA


An Introduction To Art Therapy: A Brief Guide to Art Therapy as an ...

An Introduction to Art Therapy: A Brief Guide to Art Therapy by Andrew Wright, Art Psychotherapist, based in Dubai, UAE.) Art Therapy is a well-developed profession in the US and the UK and is an approach that is used to help people of all ages.Art Therapy is the use of the creative arts ...

Feb 20

Categories: Abortion, Abuse / Abuse Survivor Issues, Addictions, Adjusting to ...

Written By:
Andrew C Wright HCPC registered (UK)


Rebuilding After Affair Trauma

Susan has been cheated on by her husband. She is broken. It's so difficult for her to make it through each day. She struggles with finding energy to get out of bed each morning. Physically, she is very listless, trying to hold her self together. Her recurring post-affair memories and thoughts ...

Feb 18

Categories: Addictions, Couple Counseling, Infidelity

Written By:
Dr. Angelo Subida, Psychotherapist


What is Sex?

Many people spend little time thinking about the meaning of sex or the purpose of sex. It is not until you cannot get it or it stops working in your relationship that you really examine it. How we define sex or what we consider to be sex can create problems for couples.Human beings are meaning ...

Feb 16

Categories: Couple Counseling, Marital Counseling, Men's Issues, Women's Issues

Written By:
Tammy M. Fontana, MS NCC CTRT Sex Therapist USA


What is normal Sex?

The number one question people have about sex is “Am I normal?” The second most common question asked is “Is my partner normal?”It is never helpful to frame sex in terms or normal or not normal as if there was so universal standard or universal truth.  The is a wide ...

Jan 13

Categories: Adult psychological development, Coping with Medical Problems, Couple ...

Written By:
Tammy M. Fontana, MS NCC CTRT Sex Therapist USA


Sex Therapy: What is it?

When people are having sexual problems in their marriage one of the things people consider is to find a sex therapist. There are many misconceptions about a sex therapists/therapy and many people confuse a sex therapist with a sex surrogate.Dr. Marty Klien, a nationally and internationally ...

Jan 13

Categories: Couple Counseling, Marital Counseling, Men's Issues, Sexual Problems ...

Written By:
Tammy M. Fontana, MS NCC CTRT Sex Therapist USA


How can a couple guard against an affair?

It is faulty thinking to believe that if you are attracted to someone else there must be something wrong at home. It is possible to be attracted to somebody else, even if you have a good marriage. The single most important protector against an affair is appropriate boundaries. In a culture where ...

Dec 7

Categories: Couple Counseling, Divorce / Divorce Adjustment, Ending a ...


Creating a Joint Parenting Plan you both love

Parents are always focused on what is good for their kids. However, what most parents don’t realize is, that what kids needs above all else are two parents that get along, support each other and work as team, especially when it comes to parenting. So many couples grossly underestimate how ...

Nov 21

Categories: Blended Family Issues, Child and/or Adolescent Issues, Couple ...

Written By:
Tammy M. Fontana, MS NCC CTRT Sex Therapist USA


How is an Emotional Affair Different from a Friendship?

  An emotional affair is when a person not only invests more of their emotional energy outside their marriage, but also receives emotional support and companionship from the new relationship. In an emotional affair, a person feels closer to the other party and may experience increasing ...

Nov 16

Categories: Couple Counseling, Divorce / Divorce Adjustment, Ending a ...


Should you force your Spouse into Marriage Counselling?

Are you struggle with a marriage that isn't working the way you want it too but your partner isn't as interested or motivated as you are to fix it? Do you really need to have your spouse or romantic partner attend counselling in order to make it better? The short answer is no, you do ...

Nov 12

Categories: Couple Counseling, Divorce / Divorce Adjustment, Domestic Violence, ...

Written By:
Tammy M. Fontana, MS NCC CTRT Sex Therapist USA


Emotional Affairs, Emotional Cheating

Emotional Affairs are an issue that we see more and more. What is an emotional affair? It can be described as intense romantic feelings directed toward a person outside your primary relationship. In other words, having an emotional affair is falling in love with the potential or fantasy ...

Oct 24

Categories: Couple Counseling, Divorce / Divorce Adjustment, Ending a ...


Infidelity, Cheating, What?

 No one gets a user manual on what to once an infidelity, as defined by one or both parties is discovered. Here are some things people need to consider before making any decision. What is infidelity? This may reveal value differences in a couple and highlight how little time a couple spent ...

Oct 13

Categories: Couple Counseling, Divorce / Divorce Adjustment, Emptiness, Ending a ...

Written By:
Tammy M. Fontana, MS NCC CTRT Sex Therapist USA


Get your Relationship Ready to bring your baby home

Bringing a baby into a couple’s life is one of the biggest changes a couple will have to work out together.  Unfortunately couples grossly underestimate how much this tiny bundle of joy will change their individual lives and their relationships and as a result do not prepare for it. ...

Sep 11

Categories: Adjusting to Change / Life Transitions, Anxiety, Attachment Issues, ...

Written By:
Tammy M. Fontana, MS NCC CTRT Sex Therapist USA
